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🔴 Søren Bebe Trio (SOLD OUT)

fredag den 28. februar 2025



Yndefuld, elegant og poetisk musik af Danmarks store underspillede pianist og hans trio

Søren Bebe er en forrygende pianist, og hans trio ikke ringere. Her er akustisk jazz nede i gear, som kæler for tonerne og væver smukke melodiske linjer sammen i enkle rytmiske mønstre. Trioens musik evner at få skuldrene helt ned efter en udfordrende tid – ren yoga for sjælen.
En fransk anmelder skrev om trioens album HERE NOW: “Søren Bebe mestrer melodikunsten til perfektion og trækker fra sin kulturs folklore. Et yndefuldt, elegant, poetisk album af underspillet rigdom”, og gav uden tøven musikken seks ud af seks stjerner


Søren Bebe is a terrific pianist, and his trio is no less. Here, acoustic jazz is in gear, caressing the notes and weaving beautiful melodic lines together in simple rhythmic patterns. The trio's music is able to bring the shoulders down completely after a challenging time - pure yoga for the soul.
A French reviewer wrote about the trio's album HERE NOW: ""Søren Bebe masters the art of melody to perfection and draws from the folklore of his culture. A graceful, elegant, poetic album of understated richness"", and without hesitation gave the music six out of six stars.


Søren Bebe :Piano
Kasper Tagel : Bass
Knut Finsrud :Drums


fredag den 28. februar 2025



Doors open




Previous concert


Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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