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Snorre Kirk European Quartet

fredag den 23. maj 2025



Norske Snorre Kirk går lige i hjertet med sit varme stilfulde trommespil

Den norske trommeslager Snorre Kirk, der i 2004 flyttede til Danmark for at studere musik og aldrig tog hjem igen, swinger som få andre her i Norden - med stil. 
I sine originale kompositioner fokuserer han på det helt enkle. Men det er altid musik, som går lige i hjertet, og finder beatet for at lægge sig tæt op ad det. 
Denne aften skal vi høre Snorre Kirk med sin faste bassist Anders Fjeldsted - steady as a rock - og de to fine engelske musikere, saxofonisten og klarinettisten Giacomo Smith samt pianisten Joe Webb. Lige som kapelmesteren deler de glæden ved det enkle men dybt swingende. 
Så læn Dem tilbage til en dejlig aften, luk øjnene, og lad smilet brede sig. Lad os bare kalde det de bedriver for Jazzy Slow Flow Yoga.


Norwegian drummer Snorre Kirk, who moved to Denmark in 2004 to study music and never returned home, swings like few others here in the Nordics - with style.
In his original compositions, he focuses on the very simple. But it is always music that goes straight to the heart, and finds the beat to lie close to it.
This evening we will hear Snorre Kirk with his regular bassist Anders Fjeldsted - steady as a rock - and the two fine English musicians, saxophonist and clarinetist Giacomo Smith and pianist Joe Webb. Just like the bandleader, they share the joy of the simple but deeply swinging.
So sit back for a lovely evening, close your eyes, and let your smile spread. Let's just call what they do Jazzy Slow Flow Yoga.


Giacomo Smith - saxophones, clarinet
Joe Webb - piano
Anders Fjeldsted - bass
Snorre Kirk - drums


fredag den 23. maj 2025



Doors open



330 DKK

Previous concert


Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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