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Pieranunzi - Fonnesbæk - Gatto

fredag den 20. juni 2025



Parallelle musikalske sjæle, hvis samarbejde kærtegner, skaber og udfordrer.

Der opstår en eksplosion af energi, når de to eminente musikere, den følsomme italienske stjernepianist Enrico Pieranunzi og den danske bassist Thomas Fonnesbæk, går på scenen.
Og når man så tilsætter den italienske trommeslager Roberto Gatto, så er magien sikret. 

De tre musikere blomstrer i hinandens selskab, og udfordrer og spiller op til hinanden i en sjælden kombination af teknik og personlighed. På hvert deres instrument er de i særklasse, og tilsammen opstår store øjeblikke.
Gennem årene har de da optrådt meget sammen, og har fået et stort kendskab og en stor kærlighed til hinandens spil og musikalske formåen.

Vi hentes ind i en særlig verden, hvor tre parallelle musikalske sjæle vælger at slynge sig om hinanden i kærlige favntag. En verden, der er skabt som et ønske om lysten til både at kærtegne, at skabe og stadig at udfordre hinanden.


There is an explosion of energy when the two eminent musicians, the sensitive Italian star pianist Enrico Pieranunzi and the Danish bassist Thomas Fonnesbæk, take the stage.

And when you add the Italian drummer Roberto Gatto, the magic is guaranteed.

The three musicians flourish in each other's company, challenging and playing up to each other in a rare combination of technique and personality. On

each of their instruments they are in a class of their own, and together great moments arise.

Over the years they have performed together a lot, and through this they have a great knowledge and love for each other's playing and musical understanding and ability. Parallel musical souls, whose collaboration caresses, creates and challenges.

We are drawn into a special world, where three parallel musical souls choose to wrap themselves around each other in loving embraces. A world that is created as a desire for the desire to both caress, to create and constantly challenge each other - what we all constantly seek in music throughout our lives?! The desire to be excited and satisfied. So sit back, open your heart, and let this beautiful music search into your mind."


Enrico Pieranunzi - piano,
Thomas Fonnesbæk - bass
Roberto Gatto - drums


fredag den 20. juni 2025



Doors open



420 DKK

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Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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