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Kathrine Windfeld Sextet - Aldebaran

torsdag den 5. juni 2025



Ny dansk jazz fra DMA-vindende komponist

En af Danmarks fremmeste nye unge jazz-komponister, Kathrine Windfeld, var to gange i spotlightet på den seneste Danish Music Awards Jazz: Dels som vinder af "Årets Livenavn" men også som nomineret som "Årets Komponist". Udlandet har forlængst fået øjnene op for den sydfynske kunstner. 
"Hun leverer en farverig blanding af sofistikerede harmoniske passager, fysiske grooves og poetiske ballader i eksplosive arrangementer," skrev The Guardian i deres begejstrede anmeldelse.
Sidste år udkom hendes meget roste album ALDEBARAN, som hun har indspillet med sin sekstet. Alle hendes egne kompositioner, der fortolkes smukt og med elegance og entusiastisk drive. Hornsektionen veksler mellem spændstigt ensemblespil og stærke, personlige soloindsatser.

Kathrine Windfeld har allerede fire bigbandudgivelser bag sig. I 2020 vandt hun den prestigefulde pris ?Rising Stars Jazz Award? i London og en turné på 7 førende europæiske festivaler. I 2022 modtog hun Ben Webster Prisen for sit nyskabende bidrag til den danske og internationale jazzscene.


One of Denmark's foremost new young jazz composers, Kathrine Windfeld, was in the spotlight twice at the latest Danish Music Awards Jazz: Partly as the winner of "Live Name of the Year" but also as a nominee for "Composer of the Year". Foreign countries have long since opened their eyes to the artist from South Funen.
"She delivers a colorful mix of sophisticated harmonic passages, physical grooves and poetic ballads in explosive arrangements," wrote The Guardian in their enthusiastic review.
Last year, her highly acclaimed album ALDEBARAN was released, which she recorded with her sextet. All her own compositions, which are interpreted beautifully and with elegance and enthusiastic drive. The horn section alternates between agile ensemble playing and strong, personal solo efforts.

Kathrine Windfeld already has four big band releases behind her. In 2020, she won the prestigious "Rising Stars Jazz Award" in London and a tour of 7 leading European festivals. In 2022, she received the Ben Webster Award for her innovative contribution to the Danish and international jazz scene.


Hannes Bennich - Alto & Soprano Sax
Marek Konarski - Tenor sax
Tomasz Dabrowski - Trumpet
K.Windfeld - Piano
Johannes Vaht - Bass
Henrik Holst Hansen - Drums


torsdag den 5. juni 2025



Doors open



325 DKK

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Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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