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Julieta Eugenio Trio - Stay

torsdag den 8. maj 2025



Grammynomineret saxofonist direkte fra Argentina via Manhattan

Det løftede mange øjenbryn for ti år siden, da den unge saxofonist Julieta Eugenio fra Argentina flyttede sit liv til downtown Manhattan i New York, og kastede sig ud i at vinde hjerterne på amerikanske jazzfans.

Det lykkedes, og i dag turnerer hun verden rundt med sin trio til begejstring, og blev i 2023 nomineret til en Grammy.

Nu kommer hun til Montmartre med sine egne smukke kompositioner samt udvalgte standarder. Forvent en aften med masser af kreativ improvisation og melodisk virtuositet.

I dag er Julieta en fast del af New Yorks pulserende jazzscene, og har optrådt med legender som Johnny O'Neal, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Bertha Hope og Leon Parker. 

Er der antydninger af tango og en milonga i hendes passionerede spil? Kom og hør.


It raised eyebrows ten years ago when young saxophonist Julieta Eugenio from Argentina moved her life to downtown Manhattan in New York City, and set out to win the hearts of American jazz fans.
She succeeded, and today she tours the world with her trio to rave reviews and was nominated for a Grammy in 2023.
Now she comes to Montmartre with her own beautiful compositions as well as selected standards. Expect an evening with plenty of creative improvisation and melodic virtuosity.
Today Julieta is a fixture on New York's vibrant jazz scene, and has performed with legends such as Johnny O'Neal, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Bertha Hope and Leon Parker.
'Her sound is rich and robust' praised Downbeat Magazine.
Are there also hints of tango and a milonga in her passionate playing? Come and hear for yourself.


Julieta Eugenio - tenor sax and compositions,
Simon Wilson - bass,
Andreu Pitarch - drums.


torsdag den 8. maj 2025



Doors open



320 DKK

Previous concert


Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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