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Brian Charette - Organ House Party

fredag den 25. april 2025



Orgelparty! Fuldt knald på liggehønen med Brian Charettes trio

Så er der dømt orgel-party! Med ingen ringere end en af de bedste fra Guds egen land, Brian Charette. Han er bragt hertil af trommeslageren Kresten Osgood, der selv har noget med orgeltrioer og selv også mestrer orglet til perfektion. De har allieret sig med en af vores hjemlige mest spændende unge guitarister Pelle von Bülow, der kaster sig ud i denne orgelfest og lover knald på. Orgeltrio-musik er som skabt til en intim jazzklub, hvor musikken højlydt bliver applauderet. Se frem til en aften med fysisk musik, der går lige i kroppen.


Time for an organ party! With none other than one of the best from God's own country, Brian Charette. He has been brought here by drummer Kresten Osgood, who himself has a thing for organ trios and also masters the organ to perfection. They have allied themselves with one of our most exciting young guitarists in Denmark, Pelle von Bülow, who is throwing himself into this organ party and promises to be a blast. Organ trio music is made for an intimate jazz club, where the music is loudly applauded. Look forward to an evening of physical music that goes straight to your body.


Brian Charette - Organ
Pelle von Bülow - Guitar
Kresten Osgood - Drums


fredag den 25. april 2025



Doors open



340 DKK

Previous concert


Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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