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🔴 Brev til NHØP (SOLD OUT)

lørdag den 31. maj 2025



Bassisten Bo Stiefs personlige fejring af Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen

"Brev til NHØP" er bassisten Bo Stiefs fejring af sin ven, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen, der uden sammenligning blev det største danske jazznavn nogensinde internationalt. Han definerede bassens rolle i jazzen, og satte Danmark på musikkens verdenskort som yndlingsbassist for giganten Oscar Peterson over 15 år.
Ikke alene var NHØP en stor inspiration for Bo Stief, mens de begge trådte deres musikalske barnesko i Jazzhus Montmartre - i skole hos de store amerikanere, der var flyttet til København og brugte klubben som deres legeplads ? de to spillede også ofte sammen: Bl.a. i DRs Big Band, på pladen 'Heart to Heart' med Palle Mikkelborg, samt på Aura med Miles Davies. Billedet her er fra en toneleg mellem de to i Montmartre i mid-70'erne.
NHØP døde som bekendt alt for ung i 2005 som kun 58-årig på toppen af sin karriere. Men hvert år omkring hans fødselsdag i maj, fejrer Bo Stief 'The Great Dane', som mange kærligt og respektfuldt kaldte ham. 
- Personligt har jeg i mit stille sind sendt en tak til Niels-Henning for at lægge et så krævende niveau på vores instrument, at han har holdt mig væk fra gadehjørnerne. Man har som dansk bassist ikke haft tid til at blive hængende der, skrev Bo Stief i sit mindebrev om vennen:
- Niels-Hennings livsværk er, at kontrabassen aldrig bliver det samme efter hans revolutionerende syvmileskridt. Teknisk og musikalsk har han gang på gang gjort det, som alle troede var umuligt. Nye teknikker, fantastiske chops, stærke letforståelige grundswingende basgange, sprudlende energi og ideer, tydelig diktion, temposikkerhed, utrolige soli og smuk lyrisk melodiføring er nogle af de mange ting, han har givet os. 
Denne aften møder vi saxofonisten Hans Ulriks klare og lysende spil, der her høres i tæt samspil med altid inspirerende og opfindsomme Henrik Gunde, hvis klaverspil er helt i særklasse og den dybt swingende Morten Lund på trommerne. 


"Letter to NHØP" is bassist Bo Stiefs celebration of his friend, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen, who without comparison became the biggest Danish jazz name ever internationally. He defined the role of the bass in jazz, and put Denmark on the world map of music as the favorite bassist of the giant Oscar Peterson for over 15 years.
Not only was NHØP a great inspiration for Bo Stief, while they both started their musical childhood in Jazzhus Montmartre - at the school of the great Americans who had moved to Copenhagen and used the club as their playground - the two also often played together: Among other things in DR?s Big Band, on the album 'Heart to Heart' with Palle Mikkelborg, and on Aura with Miles Davies. The picture here is from a musical game between the two in Montmartre in the mid-70s.
As is well known, NHØP died far too young in 2005 at only 58 years old at the peak of his career. But every year around his birthday in May, Bo Stief celebrates 'The Great Dane', as many lovingly and respectfully called him.
- Personally, I have sent a thank you to Niels-Henning in my quiet mind for putting such a demanding level on our instrument that he has kept me away from the street corners. As a Danish bassist, you have not had time to hang around there, Bo Stief wrote in his memorial letter about his friend:
- Niels-Henning's life's work is that the double bass will never be the same after his revolutionary seven-mile stride. Technically and musically, he has time and again done what everyone thought was impossible. New techniques, fantastic chops, strong, easy-to-understand basic swinging bass lines, exuberant energy and ideas, clear diction, tempo control, incredible solos and beautiful lyrical melody guidance are some of the many things he has given us.
This evening we encounter the clear, luminous and masculine playing of saxophonist Hans Ulrik, heard here in close interaction with the always inspiring and inventive Henrik Gunde, whose piano playing is in a class of its own, and the deeply swinging Morten Lund on the drums.


Bo Stief - bass
Hans Ulrik - tenor sax
Henrik Gunde - piano
Morten Lund - drums


lørdag den 31. maj 2025



Doors open



330 DKK

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