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Lars Jansson - Erik Söderlind Quartet


Dybt swingende akustisk jazz fra broderlandet

Lige siden pianisten Lars Jansson tilbage i 1970erne gæstede Danmark som medlem af den legendariske afro/fusionsgruppe EGBA, har han været en af vores svenske yndlingsmusikere. Hans lyriske, rytmisk spændstige og altid medrivende spil ejer både svenske melankoli men også en fandenivoldsk amerikansk jazz feeling – en ganske fin kombination.

Denne aften er han i tæt samarbejde med en lige så ikonisk svensk musiker, guitaristen Erik Söderlind, som især kendes for sit samarbejde med organisten Kjell Öhman.

De to svenske topmusikeres kvartet fuldendes af to yngre musikere som har samme forståelse for jazzens inderste væsen som de to i front.


Lars Jansson - piano
Erik Söderlind - guitar
Niklas Fernqvist - bass
Paul Svanberg - drums


Ever since pianist Lars Jansson visited Denmark back in the 1970s as a member of the legendary Afro/fusion group EGBA, he has been one of our favorite Swedish musicians. His lyrical, rhythmically resilient and always captivating playing possesses both Swedish melancholy and a hell of an American jazz feeling – quite a nice combination.
This evening he is in close collaboration with an equally iconic Swedish musician, guitarist Erik Söderlind, who is especially known for his collaboration with organist Kjell Öhman.
The quartet of the two top Swedish musicians is completed by two younger musicians who have the same understanding of the inner essence of jazz as the two in front.



Doors open





Get the full experience and enjoy a delicious dinner before the concert. This is a concept we offer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Order your dinner when you buy tickets.

Read more about our Jazz & Food here.

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